Pasternak's Portafolio

Self portrait

This originally was a complete photo. I cut it in half unevenly and draw the rest of my face. In order to make it the most perfect, i saw the half of the picture it was missing and drew it in the paper. What would have been wrong to do is to draw logically how a face should look like because the faces are not symetrical. The faces always have some imperfections so I had to look closely the part that was missing and draw it so that it matches with the photo.

This project was interesting, to draw the part that was missing. I personally learned how draw faces and make it look right. Therefor i took a lot of time to draw and observe the photo ditailed. At the end it turned out to be better than I thought but there are also some imperfections. I started drawing the scarf and it is good, as well as the hair and the background but I was unhappy with the eye and mouth. Anyway, this was a good practice to draw faces.

Adding some more Color

The abstract drawing in the left was a project with instructions. Our classmates had to make curved lines, zig zag, make some general drawings and at the end add what we wanted. Some colors we were told to put in the drawing. Our teacher gave us the basics and we had to finished it at our stile. I decided to make it colorful with little figures and letters as well. There is hidden code in the drawing as well and my name in big letters which observing closely can be seen. I also used symbolism in this drawing, like the ying yang which means equilibrium.

I loved this project because even if we all had to do some basic lines, we all ended up with a different creative drawing. This was a way to express our ideas through drawing because at the end we could put anything we wanted to. I think that we should do more projects like this, with abstract things because they turn out to be very symbolic. I like symbolic drawings and abstract because is not a plain drawing were you see it and instantly you know the message. In symbolic drawings, people have to look closely and it is hard to see t

Some Sketches


This sketch is an abstract thing. This was the first sketch actually. This was when I was in a mood of peacefulness. I was very happy to start a new year with a different class of art. It has been a great year and I had that feeling since the start. Therefore I drew the first thing that came up to my mind. Why just draw one thing when you can combine many and put them together in one? Then our feelings can be expressed more because it is not one element, but many. I liked very much how my first sketch turned out to be and some other are a lot similar to this one because I like abstract things and symbolism. 

This is an example of other sketches in my art book.
The drawing has a lot of miniature figures as well as big. The big ones are symbolism like the flowers meaning friends and happiness. The smaller drawings do not have an actual meaning but make the big figures step out of the page. First I used a dark blue color to make the bigger things. When I was done with the blue, I picked up a light blue. Then, I drew some smaller elements just to fit in or to just make some big drawings into little ones. I combined just dark and light blue because it means water, peacefulness and it makes a great combination. For this, I used colors because then it looks more detailed, with markers, it would have looked smoother and that was not the point of the drawing. I wanted to show detail. 


This is the last sketch I made. This is also symbolism but it does not have any personal details. It basically tells that even when hard times happen, we have wings to spread them out and have to leave the past behind and move on. I got inspired by the song Breakaway by Kelly Clarson. This drawing means a lot to me because I have seen people suffering around me and I just wish they could understand the meaning of the drawing so it could help them with a little hope. 

For this sketch I did not use much. I used markers, many green shades and brown shades. I had the idea in my head and has been the first time I draw a person with wings o it did not when how I expected. The wings seem to come out of the neck instead  of the back. But, it is my first time, so I am happy it was not so bad. It was a little hard to express an idea in my mind in the paper because not always it turns out to be how you wanted. I like the message anyway and hope others could see it too. 

A. Pasternak 9th C